Thursday, April 16, 2009

have i been excommunicated from this blogger world?

life has been really boring and really busy all at the same time lately. michael has transfered stores and is now in granger i guess you are supposed to say hurray .............. so hurray.
addi is now n her toddler bed and sleeping really well surprisingly, we have had 2 incidents one where she woke up walked over to her door knocked on it and when i opened it she told me she was poopy and needed her diaper changed got a clean diaper and went right back to bed. last night was a different story, she fell out, i knew it would happen but i hoped we could avoid it so she laid by her door screaming her brains out. so i go to get her because my husband is deaf and i try to put her back in bed after calming her down and all she wants is daddy she just keeps crying saying daddy daddy , i wanted to say daddy is lazy and deaf and can't wake up but then here he comes through the door , i was so glad considering it was 3:45 and i had to get up in an hour to go to work. he came to bed shortly after that and said he thought about just crawling in bed with her and sleeping there, im glad he didnt i dont think that bed could hold his 235 pounds and that would have been dangerous.
so addi loves her bed but now thinks she can sleep whenever she wants.
i think thats all what a boring life , we should find out what our baby is on may 5 .
ta ta for now


Becca said...

As always, she is so smart!!! That's funny about the diaper thing and good luck with the toddler bed! Our kids either fall out in the middle of the night with a big bang, or we find them sleeping by the door in the morning!

Anonymous said...

ha! There you are I was beginning to worry. Just kidding welcome back. Congratulations on the toddler bed. love your babies for me!

Curtis and Jen said...

That's a big step going to the toddler bed. Jaycie is starting to roll over more often and I worry about her falling off the couch, but the floor seems too dirty still for a baby. Mom's just have to take that risk with a bed or the couch I suppose. I can't wait to hear what's cookin in the oven!

Tai said...

I am excited to hear what you are having!!