Thursday, January 1, 2009

i guess we will do an update......

So i know i get yelled at alot for not posting any blogs, so her we go with some updates....... michael still works all the time. no change there. His sister had her baby the begining of december, we went to logan to be there when he was born , it was great to see a brand spanking new baby like that , that wasnt mine. he's beautiful and i love him.
I turned 22 this month im an old lady now, michael was really nice he got some of my best child hood friends and our family together an we had dinner and went bowling it was a nice surprise.

then there was christmas, we said we werent going to spend any money on christmas it was our goal to use that money on paying off debt, but michael went over board and didnt follow the rules and got me a pink i pod and i love it it is so cute. The only person we wanted to spendm oney on was addi, my camera is shot so there are no pics hence the long descriptions. Addi loves babies, so i thought we should get her a baby and we got her a little doll crib , changing table, highchair all in one combo thing, that was a joke the box said some assembly required........... pretty sure we did everything short of mold the plastic!!! We got her a baby alive that potties, i htought she might be too little for it but she totally inderstands it, it says " i need to potty hurry hurry" and addi gets all anxious and hurries to find her potty, i thought no one would \get her any dolls pretty sure i was wrong. My sister got her a cabbage patch and my dad and mom got her a cheerleader doll, So with all these babies we have created a monster!!!! Addi totally thinks shes the mom, she tells me no and naughty, she runs around the house with the baby on her hip and she has to put the babyto bed before she will get close to her bed. I dont think this will go away , i will have to give in, she is now the mommy and i have been bumped down...

And finally the best part .....everytime michael leaves for work addison will stand at the top of our stairs and say bye bye daddy , today same thing , except michael forgot something and had to run in the other room. so everytime he's leaving and i said " say bye bye daddy love you" and addi said bye bye love you it was so cute!!!!! i have to admit i was a little jealous that michael got the love you beforei did but it was still super cute all the same.

i hope this catches everything up, ill work on that camrea see what i can do about some pictures, sorry such a long post happy new year!!!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Yea!!! Amber updated her blog! I keep telling everyone what a genius Addison is. Yep. She's so smart!