Friday, January 23, 2009

"the 5 things people probably dont know about you"

i read this on shannons blog, no one tagged me im just bored and i cant possibly look at anymore houses.........

1. ok so if any of you have been to my apartment house thing you will be shocked by this, but i actually like to clean, i am a little obsessed with things being in their places. the reason i dont apply this in my current home is there is too much stuff and not enough places. but i hate doing dishes, i hate the smell i hate the soap on my hands i hate drying I HATE DISHES!!!! but i love to move things and have them be organized michael gets mad at me because i always tell him he doesn't put things away right. on day we will own our own home and i will have a place for everything and the obsession will be released.

2. i love backrubs mostly neck rubs my neck is always sore due to the amount of weight i carry in my chest, he he , i always find ways to make michale give me back rubs i trick him into thinking that he owes me one for some random reason and he always does it because he loves me. i could use one now.........

3. i dont like medicine...... i would rather cough my brains out than take medicine, i would rather have a headahce than take an asprin . the only one i can stand is peptobismol, enough said there, along with this comes the fact that 1 or 2 asprin can make me loopy. benadryl always makes me loopy. i think i am a weirdo .

4. i shower with my hubby everytime i shower if hes not here i dont shower, i odnt know why and this may be groww to some but its just nice. on sundays we have a fmily shower thats right addi joins us i promise we are not weirdos. it is sometimes the only thing that michael andi have time to do together so we take advantage.

5. i hate kids. ha ha ha GOTCHA!!! i lvoe them from conception to weddings i will enjoy every moment. something about being a mother and watching children grow (not just mine all the ones around me macey, landon, carson so big!! ) is beautiful and heartrenching all at the same time everytime addi says something new i cry and everytime she looks at me and says mommy i want to cry. i guess #5 is that i am a boob i cry all the time mostly at my husband ab=nd daughter and at church when i am countimg my blessings. i think i might cry now .

i guess i am goiing to tag everyone thats right everyone who stops by and reads this consider yourself tagged i want to know all of your deepest secrets!!!


Becca said...

Ha ha you big baby!!! Crying all the time!! I think that's so funny you want to cry every time Addison says a new word. You must cry alot then because she says tons of words! I like things to be all organized too.

Hmmm.....I don't know if I'll post a blog on mine, but lets deepest darkest secrets.....hmmmm......

#1-I am a super crazy money saving freak. I hate to spend money and even when we have money I freak out if we have to spend any of it. I have this neverending fear that something terrible is going to happen or blow up and then we won't have money to pay for it.

#2-I really wish I could have more kids. I think I am evil because I can't and that I shouldn't have gone along with my doctor, and yet it was probably for the best, but every time someone tells me they are pregnant a part of me cries.

#3-I have really bad self esteem and think I am pretty gross looking most of the time, and little kids can make me cry by their honesty.

OK, let's throw in some positive before someone thinks I'm depressing....

#4-I am a very good writer and have won different writing/poetry contests through the years.

#5-I like to paint various weird objects and door frames around my house in rainbow colors, and I really want to paint the whole inside of the garage like a big sky with rainbow and clouds and happy face people, but Troy won't let me. One day I will though......

Wendy said...

O the things you find out about your friends :)If you feel the need to clean come on over. Carson and Addi can play. I love back rubs to. The only problem is that they don't last long enough. Good luck with looking at homes.